Superior Performance and Positive Performance Schools

The READY Accountability Model is designed to provide school level information that addresses three components:

  • Growth – If schools met, exceeded, or did not meet growth. The standard is roughly equivalent to a year’s worth of growth for a year of instruction.
  • Performance – The percentage of students who score at Achievement Levels 1-5. Achievement Level 3 is considered state-level proficiency and Achievement Levels 4 and 5 are considered college-and career-ready.
  • AMO Participation Status – Whether students in the school as a whole and in each subgroup met the participation rate set by the state.

Schools that exceeded growth expectations and posted double digit grade level proficiency gains from one school year to the next are designated as Superior Performance schools. Schools that met growth expectations and posted double digit grade level proficiency gains from one school year to the next are designated as Positive Performance Schools.