Elementary K-5


Ashley Barr, Director

K-5 Instruction and Title I

Phone: 336-633-5090


Tracey Adams

Administrative Assistant and Bookkeeper

Phone: 336-633-5090


Roxanne Taylor

Parental Engagement Specialist

Phone: 336-633-5097


Jen Choken, Lead Teacher

Math and Science

Phone: 336-633-5028


Karen Binns, Lead Teacher

Literacy and Social Studies

Phone: 336-633-5036


Click here to access the
RCSS K-5 Instruction Google Site

Click here to access NC State Board of Education School Age Entry Legal Requirements


Documents and Uploads


Early Admission to Kindergarten

Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources

Read to Achieve

English Language Arts

The North Carolina Read to Achieve program is a part of the Excellent Public Schools Act which became law in July 2012, and it applies to all public schools in North Carolina.

What does the law mean?

“The goal of the State is to ensure that every student read at or above grade level by the end of third grade and continue to progress in reading proficiency so that he or she can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success.”

Please click the link to access the Excellent Public Schools Act

Independent Reading

Students read daily at their independent level.  They may respond to their reading in writing.  Teachers take time to conference with students about their independent reading at least monthly.

Books Lists:

Get to Know the Readers in Your Classroom: